Premium Rush

You know who drives me crazy?  Idiot cyclists who weave between cars, ignore the rules of the road, and inevitably get killed/seriously injured by an unlucky motorist.

You know who else drives me crazy?  Idiots who think that all lawyers wear suits or that lawyer is the only profession you can do with a law degree.

And don’t even get me started on idiots who are so EXTREMEpremium-rush-movie-wallpaper-20LY against wearing suits that they would rather take a job as a New York City bike courier and earn next to nothing ($30 for an hour and a half ride from one side of Manhattan to the other).

Joseph Gordon Levitt’s character in Premium Rush is all of those things.  Naturally, I hated Premium Rush.  What is most egregious, I think, is that if I put aside how angry Premium Rush made with its premise and main character, Premium Rush becomes a totally forgettable MacGuffin chase featuring one of the lamest villains in recent memory, whose motivation is his “poor impulse control”.  That means he’s selfish and willing to do anything to pay off his gambling debts so he can turn around and gamble some more, and of course that’s more important than whatever plans any other characters have for their lives or their money.  Not even Michael Shannon can give the bad guy more than one dimension.

You may like this movie if your fantasy is to take your bike-riding idiocy to the big stage of New York City (or I suppose you may also relate if your fantasy is to live a life of corruption in order to feed your gambling addiction, though in that case this movie may not have quite the ending you’re hoping for).  If that’s you then allow me to point out that you are a terrible person and I would rather you spend your time watching this movie than inflicting damage to those around you.  For everyone else, Premium Rush is one to avoid.



22 thoughts on “Premium Rush

  1. Jade

    This movie was nowhere near the best mindless thriller, but it had its fun moments! Then again, I haven’t seen it in years and have forgotten half of it. 😂


    1. Jay

      We just saw it for the first time. I love Michael Shannon and couldn’t stand his “evil cackle”. However, I love JGL and he was in fine form here so I enjoyed it more than Sean, who seems to have taken things personally 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Pingback: Premium Rush – MyAwesomesite

  3. Jay

    I like that you’ve used this to say “lawyers don’t wear suits” when it fact it is YOU who will not wear a suit. You’re more like him that you’re admitting to. You may not wear spandex to work, but you got for a more casual look when you know damn well you look hot in a suit.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Chaos Realm

    I had a big argument with my supervisor over the entitled bike riders here in Santa Fe who never pay attention to traffic laws. Once a bike rider darted right in front of my car, not even at an intersection or anything and I honked my horn and all that, and she frickin’ flicked me off. Shoulda just run her over.


    1. Sean Post author

      Cyclists should not share the road with cars. They are not equivalent, and there definitely are a too many entitled cyclists doing crazy things on the road.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The Chaos Realm

        Yeah, I’m a great defensive driver, having grown up in Florida, but this woman on a bike literally crossed the road, right in front of my car, and not even at a crosswalk. I slammed on my brakes and missed her by about an inch, and honked my horn–at which point she turned around on her bike, not even looking for traffic coming the other way, and flicked me off. *head bap*


  5. reocochran

    I would probably see it if on TV or someone else said, “Let’s watch this!” Thanks for a head’s up, Sean! I like Joseph and now am curious about the cackle made by Michael Shannon! No money wasted, at least. . .Right?


    1. Sean Post author

      No money wasted. It’s just disappointing but I probably wasn’t going to like this because of the premise, no matter who was in it. I guess I hoped Michael Shannon and JGL could save it for me, but they couldn’t.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      Man of Steel is like the only superhero movie I haven’t seen but you’re right about Shannon being bad in awful movies – Salt and Fire is another example.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. ridicuryder


    I was a bicycle courier in Vancouver for a year before being taken out by a cab making an illegal turn. This was way back in the days when you didn’t have licenses for couriers and cops couldn’t effectively ticket you – never carried ID…I have a few aliases. It was a wonderful little stretch of anarchy, office girls dated us for sport.

    When on a full elevator in an office tower I would shout “make room” and wave another courier in who needed to hop the lift. Occasionally, I would do the same for regular looking office people…never for suits though. I would have taken you aboard Sean!

    Drive in Europe, especially Italy and you’ll shift into space where you just keep the car smooth, no sudden moves because cyclists / scooters / motorcycles are swarming around you like everyone is a maniac and you just have to stay cool. I think it’s a necessity over there to share two lanes for 5 streams of traffic, but it’s manageable. In North America it can be more about risk taking…I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie. You’ll hear cyclists use the clean transportation argument for cycling anarchy and I agree with them…we’re almost at the point where we’ll be making speed-bumps out of babies next. 😉




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