Movie Inspired Halloween Costumes


I adore the movie Up and have nothing but warm fuzzy feelings for these costume ideas – particularly loving the baby as the grumpy old guy. Bowties are awesome.


Wes Anderson costumes? I can’t even. I love how binoculars are NOT optional in these ones inspired by Moonrise Kingdom.


Kinda love the Fantastic Mr. Fox ones, but really, how long would I last in a fox head? And how would I eat all the cheese ball?

This is the sweetest little Edward Scissorhands I’ve ever seen. I love the plastic knives!



Zomg, love this! Genius to put baby Marty McFly into his DeLorean…and now you’ve taken care of the problem of this kid not being up for much walking at the same time! Way to go, parent who spent a whole lot of time on this!


Seriously, this kid probably has no idea who he is for Halloween but it’ll get a smile from all the grown-ups.


This The Shining costume is pretty inspired, and he does have a passing resemblance to Jack Nicholson, don’t you think?


I admire the commitment of this Corpse Bride. But doesn’t she look kind of sad?


This group of gals has pretty ably recreated the cover photo of Bridesmaids. That’s a lot of pink dresses! Think they also wore them to prom?


I totally approve of this Wilson costume from Castaway. Now all you need is the perfect accessory – an emaciated Tom Hanks (also: brownie points for a woman in a non-slutty costume!).


I only know enough about Harry Potter to say this must be a reference to one of those movies. The three-headed dog is a nice touch if your pooch will allow such an indignity.


Wayne & Garth have never looked so cute.


So I’m dying. We were obsessed with Labyrinth growing up. I like that she even has a David Bowie. Swoon.


Does this take the cuteness cake? Who you gonna call?




Do you think these kids have any idea who Napoleon Dynamite even is? That movie came out before they were born! You used to only be able to do this to dogs because kids have minds of their own, but I guess now it’s fair game to dress your kids to suit your own in-jokes. Speaking of which…





I want to believe that this dog is a really big fan of The Little Mermaid.








In a perfect world, I would have had my dogs suit up in Pixar’s Inside Out costumes. It’s fairly easy to dole out the characters: Gertie would of course be Joy, because she has a constant heart of happiness. Herbie would be Anger because he’s the boss and he relishes being surly. Fudgie would be fear because he’s such a neurotic little guy. And Bronx would be sadness because although he’s actually a bubbly, playful guy, he has weirdly sad eyes. Which leaves Disgust for yours truly (a fitting moniker, I assure you) and Sean could be Bing Bong, the big guy who smells like cotton candy. But the truth is, you might also call me Lazy and Inept because I could never get my shit together in order to pull that off. So here are my guys in their store-bought costumes.


This cowpoke is Herbie. He’s the alpha but he leads mostly benignly.


Herbie is aloof but he puts on a good show for company. He’s also a closet cuddle bug. Gertie, on the other hand, is very up-front about wanting to get close to you. You can’t escape the kisses.


She’s definitely our princess – the unicorn costume she didn’t pull off quite as convincingly. She was a bit too fluffy, which is a constant challenge for our gray girl.



Fudgie wasn’t very into being a shark either. Although, to be fair, Halloween makes Fudgie very tired. Too tired to be a very menacing dragon.


He did make a pretty cute pirate though. He’s one of those super happy fun-time pirates that you hear so much about.



And this is Bronx. See what I mean about his eyes? Saddest chicken ever. Or maybe it’s because he knows he’s wearing a hand me down.

So what was your best Halloween costume? Any famous movie characters?

27 thoughts on “Movie Inspired Halloween Costumes

  1. ninvoid99

    Many of these costumes are cute. The one as Jareth…. that is to die for. If I was going to be Bowie for Halloween, it would be Major Tom circa “Ashes to Ashes”.


  2. DotedOn

    Very nice, Jay!!
    Your dogs are really cute! 🙂
    I wish I could celebrate and dress up!! But I guess I won’t be getting the brownie points… I just wrote about dressing up like a slutty cat 😀
    I’m looking forward to see your costume!
    Have a great day 🙂


  3. filmfunkel

    Corpse Bride, Guinea Krueger, Greyhound AT-AT, Stay Puff baby, HP & Cerberus, & I love the Lego family expressions – so much gold in here.

    Happy Halloween! 😀


  4. Matt

    First of all, I’ve never seen a look that your dogs can’t pull off. As for everyone else, almost every Costume seems more brilliant than the last. I might have felt the most bad for the Jack Nicholson guy whose face was just part of the costume. He’ll have to hold that grin all night or else I don’t know if people will get it.


  5. Sarah Ferguson

    These are amazing! I am stealing so many for Choppy. And if only I had found the dress from Labyrinth when I was getting married, I so would have made it my wedding dress. I love that movie so much (especially the ballroom scene). And my best movie costume is Effie from Hunger Games – the butterfly dress from the quarter quell reaping scene. I should post a picture sometime of it. It’s pretty stellar.


      1. Sarah Ferguson

        It was an excellent movie for obsessing over. Though I liked to think I was smarter than the Sarah in the movie. I would have gone with Jareth over whiny baby Toby in a heartbeat.


  6. Birgit

    OMG-I love these costumes! The one from Labyrinth is fantastic and some of the little kids like the one at the Staypuff is cute. I am a sucker for animals so these animal costumes are great. The Star Wars one with the great Dane made me laugh as he looks so forlorn. Your doggies are just great! I love the sad eyed one and the other sleeping away:) When I was a kid I dressed up as Lily Munster. My aunt made the cape and I still have it. I was also Puss in Boots when I was a kid. Where my mom found red boots I will never know. When I was all grown up and thinner, I dressed like Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction and got quite a few compliments.


  7. Christopher

    It’s so very, very, very wrong that I’m curious to see whether the guy as Jareth has a Bowie-sized package.

    I’ve done at least half a dozen movie-inspired costumes but the very best ever was Rorschach from The Watchmen. I went to work in it. The woman at the front nearly fainted when she opened the office door. One of my co-workers was hip enough to laugh when she saw me eating a can of cold beans for lunch and asked me to please try and not kill anyone.



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