Reel Quick Movie Reviews

seventhsonSeventh Son – Saw this one unintentionally at the drive-in. A rare misstep for Julianne Moore, and Jeff Bridges seems to have just wandered in accidentally. Moore is artfully costumed but as Sean put it “the movie wasn’t very interesting and there weren’t any cool parts.” Three days were not enough between seeing Alicia Vikander in the well-executed Ex-Machina and this poop machine.


diplomatieDiplomatie – A historical drama that depicts the relationship between Dietrich von Choltitz (Niels Arestrup), the German military governor of occupied Paris, and Swedish consul-general Raoul Nordling (Andre Dussollier). The acting is superb but it’s 84 long minutes of two men talking in an office (please don’t blow up Paris – but I must – well we’d rather you didn’t – but really I must) and I wasn’t that into it.


jupiterJupiter Ascending – They weren’t joking when they said this one was bad. It’s bad. It feels more like a Saturday morning cartoon, Eddie Redmayne makes an ass out of himself giving a weird, whispered delivery, and though at times strikingly beautiful, the CGI overload mostly falls flat. But good news for Matt: apparently if you’ve never been stung by a bee, it’s because they recognize royalty.



escobarEscobar: Paradise Lost – A young Canadian (Josh Hutcherson) goes to Columbia to follow his dreams of surf and sun and ends up meeting the love of his life, Maria – and then meets her uncle Pablo (Benicio Del Toro). You can imagine that things don’t go particularly well for him because it turns out drug lords with political ambitions aren’t overly loyal. Makes you wish Del Toro was in a true Pablo biopic, and not some movie filtered through the eyes of a white boy.

19 thoughts on “Reel Quick Movie Reviews

  1. Wendell

    I would kill to see Del Toro in a real Pablo Escobar biopic. This one just sounds like a rip off of The King of Scotland. Other than these all sounding like terrible movies, my next biggest takeaway from all this is that you apparently still have a drive in somewhere near you. I’m jealous.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Angie

    A part of me wants to defend Jupiter Ascending for everything it could have been but wasn’t. It’s a bit easier if you think of it as a princess fairy tale rather than an action movie, but it is a hot mess. The keyword of course being ‘hot.’ They had a vision but it didn’t come with a story.


    1. Jay Post author

      Because the drive-in just plays what it wants. You don’t pick the movie, you just pick drive-in yes or no, and you’re at the their mercy, particularly with the second feature, since the studio usually pairs a flop with a more successful movie to try to recoup some of their losses.


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