Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

4129b10ddb987ee9-600x400Shouldn’t a sequel feel twice as big as the first movie?  And shouldn’t the fifth Jurassic Park and the second Jurassic World feel at least five times bigger than a T-Rex and double the size of the giant fish/dino that ate the Indominus Rex? And shouldn’t Chris Pratt have twice as many raptors on his strike force? And shouldn’t Bryce Dallas Howard be running around in even higher heels than last time? Well, yes, all of that should be happening in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, but instead, JWFK feels really small.

Part GMO cautionary tale and part dinosaur conservation dissertation, JWFK takes too long to get going and then when it does, there are almost no dinosaurs to be found! Okay, every once in a while a dino pops up and eats one of the bad guys or nearly bites a good guy, but more often then not, the danger facing Howard and Pratt is of the non-dino variety, which as everyone knows is the most boring kind of danger there is.

JWFK is not a terrible movie but it’s also not a good one. It’s more forgettable than anything, fading from memory only an hour or so after I left the theatre, mainly because it doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be. For my part, all I wanted it to be was a bunch of loosely-connected dinosaur set pieces, and strangely that is something that JWFK didn’t go for.

One thing JWFK does succeed at is in setting up a whole bunch more sequels, so the studio execs are probably happy with the end product.  But for those of us who aren’t getting a cut of the box office, it isn’t nearly as satisfying. Maybe next time.

35 thoughts on “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

  1. Lavanya

    I wish studio executives understand more the co ceplt that if they we don’t like the movie we’ll not care much about the sequel. There have been times when a movie is soo forgettable that when I go in to watch a sequel and they pick up from where they left I barely remember or understand what’s going on.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sean Post author

      I felt like that happened to me with this one, actually, and I’m pretty sure I watched Jurassic World not that long ago. It is a bad sign that I can’t even be sure.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      The directing is not the problem, though there were some callbacks to the first movie that I wished were fully committed to, if that makes sense. But obviously that is a very subjective feeling rather than a real critique.


      1. ninvoid99

        Yeah, sorry about that. I wanted to support Bayona but I don’t want to go into a movie that might suck as it’s already gotten mixed reviews.


  2. mywifeisablackbelt

    The first Jurassic Park movie was pure magic when I saw it as a kid. And it’s still really good and feels fun, even though I’ve seen it several times. But the since then the franchise has gone downhill with each sequel. So I didn’t have any hope for this one to begin with…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      I’m not even asking for anyone to match the first. Just give me one where we don’t need humans to make eight or nine bad decisions that let the dinos go on a rampage. Which might be the next one, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mywifeisablackbelt

        Yeah I know. Already when they made that genetically enhanced super dinosaur in the other Jurassic World movie, I lost interest. I mean why would anyone do such a thing – especially in a world where THREE dinosaur related have already happened haha…


  3. D. Wallace Peach

    I’m sure I’ll end up watching this, but I’m not surprised by your review. The last one (was that #4 already!?) didn’t appeal to me. I don’t like female characters that leave their brains at home just to be rescued by men. Anyway… I think the first movie was so good, that the others have had a tough time living up to it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      I think they tried with this one to give women equal hero time, but I’m not sure it worked. You’ll have to let me know what you thought once you see it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      Agreed! There was a lot of contorting done to give the bad guys a deserving end, and for that matter to set up the next instalment, at the expense of the film’s “story” and “logic”.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Christopher

    If it’s a good story I’m happy to suspend disbelief—and it takes a lot of suspending to believe we’ve brought back dinosaurs just from their DNA, let alone made new ones—but if the story doesn’t work that just magnified the implausibility.


    1. Sean Post author

      Good point. This does ask for a lot of tolerance, both of murky science and of really dumb decisions by almost every character. It was too much to ask this time.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. J.

    The trailer looked okay, but I thought the raptor (I think) creeping through the house was a bit daft. Shame they didn’t just follow the formula that made the last effort pretty good fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      I hadn’t seen that trailer going in. I thought we’d be on the island the whole time. That’s not a bad thing, of course – I’m just so used to trailers giving away all but the last five minutes!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sean Post author

      That’s true, and the first one is definitely a classic. Beyond that, though, this franchise is kind of lagging, isn’t it? At least 3 of the 5 films are mediocre at best!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Jeff the Chef

    I have to say that I did enjoy the tone – scary, but in a fun way, like a terrifying roller coaster. I also like some of the old-school horror-film devices, like evil shadows cast on the wall by flickers of lightening. What disappointed me was that a dinosaur that was bred to be the killing machine of killing machines couldn’t seem to find people who were merely on the other side of a podium, and could never seem to catch anyone who was running away. And not enough of the bad guys got eaten.


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