Mulan Giveaway

Hop on over to Youtube to enter our giveaway in celebration of live-action Mulan, which streams on Disney+ starting Sept. 4th.

11 thoughts on “Mulan Giveaway

  1. Christopher Ewan

    This is awful. Are you two really adults? You have zero camera presence. You’re utterly terrible at ad-libbing. You’re falling all over yourselves verbally. You’re nothing but shills. True product whores. Whew. And honey, wear a blouse or even a sweatshirt. No one wants to see your excessive mole-covered body flab jiggling around. Instead of the stupid User name you have, you should be called Amateurs Watching Movies.


    1. desertcurmudgeon

      Are YOU an adult? The world was not created to conform to your basement porn-watching standards, Genius. Perhaps if you had explored a little further, you might have realized that these two are brilliant and hilarious and deservedly popular. I think they’ll survive your unsolicited juvenile screed.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Tom

      Christopher Ewan. This is the most pathetic comment I have ever seen. Get a good old dose of Corona, and I hope you die from it. Fuck you.


    3. Tom

      Like, for real. Your insecurity is so fucking obvious it is amazing you are even still alive. How have you not killed yourself?


    4. Jay Post author

      Well thanks so much for stopping by! A view’s a view, right? You’re paying my bills either way – twice, since you left the same comment over on Youtube, I see. Good for you. You’ve got a lot of time on your hands and you’re using it wisely. Stick to your convictions! They’re the little red flags the rest of us find useful markers for staying the hell away.
      Thanks for the unsolicited advice but if you have a problem with my body, I suggest you simply stop watching instead of watching TWICE just to tell me about it. Or do you secretly like it and that’s why you’re seeking it out from an anonymous YT account. Next time, Christopher, I’ll put a little extra jiggle in it just for you and it’ll be our little secret 😉


  2. Rosaliene Bacchus

    Ever since we saw the trailer, back when we were regular cinema goers, my sons and I had Mulan on our must-see-movie list. While my sons think that Disney’s fee is expensive, we will be watching it on its release.


    1. Jay Post author

      So will we. It is about as high as we’ve seen a movie be rented for, but for us, even just 2 movie tickets would cost that, and you get the added value of it being permanently in your collection. It will be available on Disney+ to everyone else in December – but that’s 3 whole months! And frankly, as someone who is still self-isolating due to risk factors, I’m happy to show my support with dollars for trials like these.


  3. Invisibly Me

    It’s great that it’s all Chinese for Chinese roles. I’m so glad I haven’t tried the Disney+ freebie trial yet, I’ll get it in time to get this out! You know, I don’t think I’d ever heard of Wuhan until the pandemic-that-shall-not-be-named. I’m curious about that music album, rap and soft rock, hmmm. Sounds like Disney went to impressive lengths to cast, which is a good sign. I also had no idea it was mostly filmed in NZ. I’d love to enter but I was lucky enough to win before so that would be super greedy of me. Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to your review, guys!

    Caz xx


    1. Jay Post author

      Win all you can, Caz!!!!
      This movie’s showing a lot of promise and I’m trying to temper my expectations just a bit so I don’t ruin it for myself. It’s the first proper blockbuster we’ve had this year!!



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