
thor-movie-theme-song-1I finally saw Thor and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure what happened. I know Thor got hit by Natalie Portman’s car a couple of times after being banished to Earth for being a dick. Then he learned a lesson and could pick up his hammer again, so he smashed a rainbow bridge to save a planet. But then he couldn’t see Natalie anymore because he wrecked the bridge.

Except I know he got back to Earth somehow in time to appear in the  Avengers but he didn’t bother to check in with Natalie. That doesn’t bode well for them and yet she’s in Thor: The Dark World so I guess she didn’t hold much of a grudge.

Thor felt different than the other Marvel movies, which is sort of a good thing except in being different it felt much less super-heroey than the others. Then again, that might be my anti-Thor bias showing. I never cared much for Thor in the comics. I always found him snooty and boring. He’s no Spider-Man, that’s for sure.

So while kudos may be due to Kenneth Branagh for trying to put a fantasy spin on Thor’s cinematic debut, I guess I would rather have seen him fight the Hulk than some random fire-breathing robot. The good news is that I might get my wish now that Taika Waititi has been handed the franchise’s reins!  November 2017 can’t come soon enough, as Thor: Ragnarok is arguably my most anticipated Marvel film yet.

While I’m waiting, I suppose I could take in the other Thor movie between now and then. After being underwhelmed by Thor, I’m in no real rush to take in Thor: The Dark World. I’m far more likely to rewatch Hunt for the Wilderpeople instead. Because unlike Thor, Ricky Baker is definitely my kind of superhero.


12 thoughts on “Thor

  1. stephen1001

    I remember laughing hysterically when he demanded a horse & threw away his drinking vessel when it was finished – but beyond that, like you, I don’t remember much more of the film details!


  2. J.

    I actually really like Thor… easily my third favourite Marvel flick behind Avengers Assemble and the first Iron Man. The second one wasn’t all that great, but I’m looking forward to the third one.


  3. Reiz16

    I think Jane wasn’t in The Avengers because Thor would’ve focused too much on Jane and not enough on Loki. He had too many other things to do in Avengers. Oh, and he got to go to Earth without the bridge fixing because of Odin mustering enough dark energy. Loki talks about real quick in Avengers. I liked Thor and Thor 2 and the FIRST Avengers.


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