Teen Titans Go! To The Movies

Confession #1: I had no earthy idea what or who the teen titans were. We had tickets to a press screening and passed them to some kids we knew who were keen to go – we were at a comedy festival seeing Will Forte and not that sad to miss it. The kids were big fans of the movie and it was only a couple of days later I found myself actually paying to see this movie because it was in the right time and place.

Confession #2: When the movie started, I was surprised to find that it was about young, recognizable super heroes – super girl, bat girl, etc. Then it ended. Because it wasn’t the movie, it was just a short before the movie. So, okay, not super heroes then. That makesMV5BNGZlZjYwZjEtMDQzYS00MThlLTljNGYtM2ZkYWRmYmQ4ZGNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzExMzc0MDg@._V1_ more sense. Then the real movie begins, and it turns out it IS about young, recognizable super heroes, just different ones. The group is helmed by a young Robin, and includes Cyborg, and 3 others who I’d never heard of before: Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy.

Confession #3: Okay, I lied. I have heard of Beast Boy before. In fact, I’ve played it with my little nephew, Ben. It’s just that at the time I assumed Beast Boy was a PJ Mask, a compatriot of Catboy, perhaps. Turns out these are DC characters who have been around as long as I have (do not be fooled by an extensive Stan Lee cameo!). Though they live in Jump City, they exist in the same world as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, who all make appearances in this film.

In fact, the old guard kind of get the whole thing going. The Teen Titans kind of live in their shadow, never really getting the opportunity to fight true crime, and certainly never getting to star in their own movie. And it’s the movie big that really rankles, particularly for Robin. He pursues fame quite single-mindedly. And if the only way he can land a movie deal is to find an arch nemesis, he’s not afraid to put friendship on the line and travel back in time to get the job done.

Surprisingly (to me), Teen Titans is full of songs and in-jokes. There were definitely a few winks to the parental audience, but this is firmly a kids’ movie, barely more than an extended episode. Charming enough, I suppose, with bright colours and a certain brand of zany fun. Fart joke within the first 5 minutes. That kind of thing. The kind of movie where every single kid the audience can take a bathroom break, maybe two (AND THEY DID) and not miss much at all. On the upside, I’ve really informed my Beast Boy cosplay, and I know a 4 year old who’s about to be super impressed! That’s right, Ben, Aunt Jay has done some research!

21 thoughts on “Teen Titans Go! To The Movies

  1. badblokebob

    I’m only vaguely aware of the series (mainly because of how much some people who are old enough they should know better hate it, I guess for not being serious enough), but thought the film’s trailer looked fun. Sounds like it operates at about the level I expected.

    I don’t know if they’re even bothering with a theatrical release in the UK. I expect I’ll leave it ’til Netflix or something either way.


  2. raistlin0903

    And now there is going to be a (very dark) live action series for this one, which has fans in an uproar as the first trailer that was shown last week has most of the characters behaving very erm out of character. Still it will be intersting to see what the final result of the show will be like 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Inner Circle

    I love Teen Titans Go! and I’m plan on seeing this next week……far too many “serious” fanboys have lot their sense of fun by bitching about this show. The live action series looks like “Seattle Superstorm” fodder!!!


  4. Often Off Topic

    Love the build up that led to you actually watching the movie! I’ve heard of the Teen Titans but never actually watched any of the show. I’m kind of looking forward to the movie though, the trailer was good at least!


  5. Lavanya

    Teen titans was an amazing TV show. Not the recent teen titans go. But I’m glad it’s making these superheroes accessible to younger audience. Maybe one they grow up, some might get into more of the lore.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brittani

    My son loves this show and it mostly drives me insane. I loved the comics when i was younger and was a huge fan of the show in the mid 2000’s. I’ll probably end up having to take him to this.


  7. Chris

    Hi Jay, Loving your reviews, as always. But do I get this right: You are trepidatious of scary movies and gore, and yet your mug shot is one of a lovely woman who has apparently been mauled by zombies and/or a werewolf. Am I way off, or are you just kooky? ; )


    1. Jay Post author

      It’s true, I can’t take scary movies. Maybe I’m trying to make peace with them by demystifying the process?
      Not there yet, obviously.


  8. Liz A.

    I saw the trailer for this before Incredibles 2, and my thought was, “no”. I’m impressed you made it through the whole thing. Even though you say it wasn’t awful, I can’t. I just can’t.


  9. screenplayas

    “The kind of movie where every single kid the audience can take a bathroom break, maybe two (AND THEY DID) and not miss much at all.”

    I love this line! I haven’t seen the movie but I imagine that this line sums it up.


  10. Kariyanine

    I saw it last night and thought it was OK. I enjoyed the zaniness, found a couple of the references to be cute, and was surprised that a few of the songs were pretty solid. That said, I also dozed off at one point (I did go after a long day at work) and I can’t say that I think it really felt like more than a really long cartoon episode (although I don’t have much experience with the show itself).



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