Altered Carbon: Resleeved

First let me say that although there’s a lot of Altered Carbon sprayed across various media these days, this is my first brush with it. Anthony Mackie stars in a Netflix series and though this is not that, it does involve the character he plays, Takeshi Kovacs.

What you need to know is that “people” are no longer defined by the bodies they inhabit. Flesh is just a sleeve you slip on and off, discarding it when it’s no longer useful, carrying on via your digital conscience uploaded to a “stack” and potentially immortal if treated right.

In this animated Netflix film, Takeshi is hired to do a job, so his stack is uploaded into the body of a soldier, a body so ripped and primed for combat that his head looks tiny compared to the breadth of his shoulders. Takeshi (voiced by Ray Chase) must protect a tattoo artist while investigating the death of a yakuza boss. Holly (Brittany Cox), the young tattoo artist (to clarify: the flesh sleeve she inhabits appears to be that of a tween, but her consciousness is many times that), is fighting for her life. As the yakuza tattooist, she’s in charge of an integral part of each boss’s death ritual and the succession of the next boss. Takeshi has only the help of CTAC agent Gena (Elizabeth Maxwell), whose motives may not align exactly with his own.

Right away, you’ll notice the anime style is unique, with the characters popping and almost glowing compared to the duller backgrounds. The film’s story is fairly simple, and while it does serve as a bridge between season 1 and 2 of the live-action series, it can also be taken as a stand-alone film. While this Kovacs isn’t quite as brooding or as witty as Mackie’s, the action is just as bloody. Kovacs and Gena team up seemingly every 5-10 minutes against enhanced ninjas. In fact, at one point I realized that this felt like I was watching an intense video game walkthrough. All that was missing was some sort of coin reward for K.O.s. Which means it’s a visual treat with some truly impressive (and numerous) action sequences, but the character development is a little lacking. If you’re coming into this with background you’ve gleaned from watching the series, you’ll might find it all the more rewarding. If you’re a newbie like me, you might just feel sufficiently motivated to take on the series – especially now that everyone’s got some serious quarantine and chill time on their hands.


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8 thoughts on “Altered Carbon: Resleeved

  1. Jade

    I haven’t seen this, but am in need of an Altered Carbon fix. Massive fan of the full series. It’s definitely well worth the time if you like sci-fi/action! šŸ™‚


  2. fragglerocking

    I am currently watching the series. I think Joel Kinnaman was more compelling than Mackie as Takeshi. Well I liked him better anyway. Not so keen on animated stuff so will give this a miss.


  3. msjadeli

    I have seen season 1 of live action with Joel Kinnaman and one episode so far of season 2 with Mackie. I agree with fraggle in liking Kinnaman better. Didn’t know this animated movie existed until now and plan on checking it out.


      1. msjadeli

        Oh! Cool! Did you watch all of Season 2? I know that them using “sleeves” means they can choose anyone to star in it, but I watched S1 because of Joel, and now he’s gone. I also like the AI bartender, which is quite inventive.


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