A Star Is Born (1954)

“The public loves me” slurs a drunken Norman Maine, and that may be so, but the press and the studio heads have had just about enough of his shenanigans. His star’s been dimming, his films flopping, and he’s aging in the wrong direction. It’s a wonder to Vicki Lester that he’s still in pictures at all – this after he’s crashed her starring number on stage.

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The studio cut out 30 minutes of film against the director’s wishes. The version I rented was a “restored” 176-minute version that uses production stills in place of the missing footage, layered with flawlessly restored dialogue. Still, it’s kind of frustrating. The camera pans over photographs for an extra 30 minutes of run time, which brings this baby up to 3 hours. It’s a lot. It’s too much. Though it still feels shorter than the Barbra Streisand monstrosity which is technically shorter but suffers from the bloat.

Anyway, as wonderful as Judy Garland is, I’m finding my tolerance for bad men to be low. Or at least, for pretending that bad men are good. Any woman with half a cell in her pretty little head should have seen this trainwreck coming a mile away. Norman Maine sends up all the flares, all the red flags. If Vicki had had a mother or a sister or a best friend, that man would have had the Beyonce treatment long ago, and A Star would have been Born much quicker, much hotter, without an ugly old asteroid holding her down.

[The Beyonce treatment, sing it with me: to the left, to the left, everything you own in a box to the left.]




4 thoughts on “A Star Is Born (1954)

  1. allthingsthriller

    It is a one woman show, no doubt. I’m a Judy Garland fan but I must admit that I’ve felt pressure to like this film. I do, but it suffers from 50s syndrome: The female lead is practically lobotomized with naivete.


  2. Katrina Morrison

    I never liked this over dramatic story from Garland, Streisand & now, Gaga; even though I admire each of these women. The why I don’t like it is for the very reason you pointed out in your review. Putting up with this guy’s major selfish flaws never made sense. Maybe, Vicki’s character isn’t explored enough to help us understand the attraction to fixing a mess of a man. I don’t get it either.
    As always an honest and an interesting review Jay👍🏼


  3. Pingback: ASSHOLES WATCHING MOVIESTIFF18: A Star Is Born (2018)

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