Eddie The Eagle

everything-you-need-to-know-about-taron-egerton-s-new-movie-eddie-the-eagle-823764Dear god. Is this the cutest kid in the whole wide world? Little Eddie has Olympic-sized dreams. He’s not much of an athlete but he’s always a-training. He’s got a tin to hold all his medals but so far all it holds are the glasses he breaks while working out (did I mention he’s not much of an athlete?).

If they gave a gold for perseverance at the Olympics, Eddie would have a neckful. They don’t (I checked. And probably so did he.). But eventually he finds his niche: downhill ski. He’s still not Olympic material (so says a man with a friendly hand on his shoulder) but he does remain mostly upright. So if he’ll never make the downhill team, should he just get on with his life already? Not Eddie. Eddie’s a dreamer. And a finder of loopholes. Turns out, England doesn’t have a ski jump team. Know what that means? No competition! Even if he’s the worst, he’s the one and only, which also means he’s the best, which means automatic qualification! Kind of genius, eh?

Eddie Edwards is a real person and you may remember his story. As a character on the eddie_the_eagle_114967screen he’s incredibly likeable and his optimism is incurable and catching. If optimism was VD, he’d be positively syphilitic. But his country’s not behind him. Heck, even his coach is reluctant at best, and a bit of a drunk (hello, Hugh Jackman!). Meanwhile, Taron Egerton as Eddie is nearly unrecognizable but instantly warms you to the role.

Is this a feel-good movie? Yes it is. And normally I’d say that with a smirk. But this is the kind of feel-good that doesn’t make you want to poke your eye out. The movie avoids biographical truth in order to cling to sports-movie cliches and I still can’t fault it – it’s simple, it’s predictable, and by god is it endearing.

37 thoughts on “Eddie The Eagle

  1. emmakwall

    Nice review Jay! Particularly liked – “If optimism was VD, he’d be positively syphilitic.” 🙂

    I’ve heard so many good things about this film! I don’t usually enjoy movies about sport at all and I say ‘feel good movies’ with a smirk also haha (I know what you’re saying!) but I haven’t read one bad review yet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Jay Post author

      I know, I was skeptical too but Sean was interested (he’s old enough to remember him!) and I’m happy I gave it a chance.


  2. ruth

    Like most, I’ve only seen Taron in Kingsman so it’s interesting to see him in a totally different role. I’ll definitely rent this one.


  3. Birgit

    I would love to see this movie since I remember this guy at the Olympics. he was such a hit with the crowd and everyone even all the announcers. it was a shame when the Olympic Committee banned him


    1. Jay Post author

      Yes, he’s pretty much known as the only athlete to become famous for failing. The movie doesn’t exactly depict his true story, just the spirit of his getting there. He overshadowed the guys who actually won.


  4. kmSalvatore

    Saw the commercials for this one , it does seem like a feel good story for sure, especially since I’ve read your review Jay, but I have a feeling this will be on our TMC soon or showtime, so I’ll save my dough and wait it out


  5. Jay Post author

    Eddie was at the 1988 Calgary Olympics – the same Olympics featuring that other underdog story, the Jamaican bobsled team (movie: Cool Runnings).


  6. J.

    Excellent, Jay. I really want to see this … Eddie was totally ridiculed in the press, I think. I certainly remember him being something of a joke figure. A punchline, I guess. Don’t reckon the media here were big on the whole ‘hurrah for the underdog’ shenanigans!


    1. Jay Post author

      I think the press overseas were more enamored of him. HIs fellow athletes were definitely not fans. He stole a lot of thunder.


  7. Liz A.

    I do remember Eddie the Eagle in the Olympics (which should tell you about how old I am). This makes me less likely to want to see the thing. I do love a good sports movie, but this one…


  8. ninvoid99

    I saw this earlier this year and you just can’t help but smile and root for the guy. Even in the last jump as I was like “yes” towards the end. Plus, it’s got some fucking good music including a new track by OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, famous for that song “If You Leave” but they’re so much more than that as their last album is fucking killer).


  9. Bun Karyudo

    You’ve got to love his cool (I’m guessing actually ironic) nickname. I have no trouble with feel-good movies when they’re done well, so this sounds like one to watch. 🙂


    1. Jay Post author

      And now he’s ruined it for the rest of us. My hopes are dashed. Until they add grocery shopping as an Olympic sport. I’ll be sure to medal.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jay Post author

      I know. It’s every bit as formulaic as you’d fear and yet it somehow gets away with it…a weird anomaly but I couldn’t help but like it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jay Post author

      Yeah, this is a rare film that’s going to be fairly well-received by most audiences. It’s not GREAT but it’s solid and entertaining.



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