
When I was a little girl, I had a Ghostbusters siren on the right handlebar of my bike. On the left, I had a Slimer horn. I was dedicated to kickin ass and bustin ghosts and doing both from the luxurious banana seat on my Blue Angel bike. But the boys? The boys always kristen-wiig-ghostbusters-2-16132-1468265440-1_dblbigthought I should be Janine, the secretary. There’s nothing wrong with being a secretary, but there’s a reason nobody plays secretary. It’s just sitting at a desk! I wanted the glory, dammit, not the paperwork.

So a word to all you “Ghostbros” out there: there’s a reason why they’re “ruining your childhood” by making this movie. It’s because it’s little fucks like you who ruined mine.

And while we’re on the subject, I don’t buy this “It’s about our childhood” argument anyway. No, it’s not. You’re sexist, magotty little misogynists and you’re too afraid to say it to my face because you know I’ll kick your ass. This movie does not have the ability to time travel back to your snot-nosed lame-ass childhood where your only friend was your Stay-Puft marshmallow man toy and make a mockery of it. You’re the one making a mockery of it, and I’m guessing you have been for about 35 years. This bizarre hatred for a movie you’ve never seen is sexism, pure and simple. Hollywood has been rebooting movies for years. No one cried to their mommy when they rebooted Batman. ghostbusters-iiiNobody worried that their childhood Batman was ruined. No one panics when they reboot James Bond every 10 years. As long as you replace a man with another man, everything’s cool. Look, I’m sorry adulthood isn’t working out for you. I’m sorry girls never took an interest. But hating this movie won’t make you cool. And if you are truly, truly worried that seeing a brand new Ghostbusters movie will somehow sully your memory of the first, here’s a thought: just don’t watch it. I know! It’s revolutionary! Don’t go to the movie (I’m sure you exercised this right when they made a sequel back in 1989, one that failed to live up to its predecessor, or to its sucessor). You don’t have to judge it without having seen it. You don’t have to out yourself as a coward and a woman-hater. You just have to opt not to see it. I mean, it’s a stupid move because this movie’s great, but I’m guessing you and stupid moves are well-acquainted.

I won’t bother you with a synopsis because I’m guessing you all know what Ghostbusters do. It’s pretty much just a new team who happen to be women, who happen to know a lot about the occult, who happen to be sciency enough to do something about it. The script is hella-funny. The ghostbusting is pretty badass. And there’s just enough spook to get your pulse racing in a few places. Plus Paul Feig is just the right guy to get the job done. I knew we were in good hands when I saw how reverently he treated Spy – this guy is just a fan of movies. He’s respectful, but he knows how to poke fun in just the right places. And he writes exceptionally well for women.

The ladies are superbly well-cast. Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig are the most talented comediennes we have, but they play straight-ladies in this case. Ghostbusters is a coming out party for Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, and let me tell you, they have arrived. Matt was surprised by how much he liked Jones in this but for me, it was all about maxresdefaultMcKinnon. Her character is bizarre and oblivious but McKinnon somehow humanizes her and pulls off some really cheeky, sweet, inspired moments under Feig’s loose direction (being an SNL alum probably helps quite a bit – he’s a big fan of letting his cast improvise). We stayed right to the end of the credits to squeeze every bit of juice out of this thing, and were rewarded. In fact, the movie itself is crowded with little gifts, among them cameos from plenty of original Ghostbusters. Who was your favourite, Matt?

M: I’m always excited to see Bill Murray but Dan Aykroyd’s part was the funniest even though I didn’t recognize him at first.

It was really great seeing love and support from the 1980s cast. This movie isn’t about replacing an old favorite, it’s about updating a classic and introducing it to a whole new generation. Homage is paid. Respect given. Isn’t that enough? Sean, you’re the right age and sex to be outraged by the audacity – how do you feel?

S: It did not ruin my childhood or ruin my memories of the first one. It was definitely more fun than the sequel. It was an enjoyable movie that I can’t understand anyone hating. Just a good old summer blockbuster.

The first one was a bit of magic. It was different and fun and exciting. The 2016 Ghostbusters isn’t a new idea, it isn’t different, but it’s just as fun and exciting. I can’t imagine what more you’d want.

50 thoughts on “Ghostbusters

  1. Bun Karyudo

    Interesting. The little I’ve read about this movie up to this point has been so universally hostile, I simply assumed the movie underneath all that foaming discontent must be awful. I’m a little surprised to hear that it’s actually pretty decent. That being the case, I’ll take my kids along to see it. My older son is 17 now, exactly the same age I was when I saw the original. Excuse me while I now break into a couple of verses of “The Circle of Life.”


    1. Jay Post author

      There was an embargo on movie reviews for this – no one was allowed to publish anything until earlier this week. So everything that has been said about the movie until recently was said by people who had never seen it.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Brittani

    I read the leaked script of this a while back and I’ll probably skip it in theaters. The reaction to this movie has been interesting. I don’t care enough about the original Ghostbusters to be up in arms over it being recast with women. I just wish they’d write something original for women as opposed to a gimmick. That being said, even though I don’t care to see it, I hope it does well at the box office because 1) That’s great for female led movies and 2) bitter manbaby tears.


  3. Jay Post author

    One thing I neglected to mention: I saw this movie in 3D and really enjoyed it. 3D’s gone boring and overdone lately, but this movie actually uses it.
    As Paul Feig puts it:
    It’s very funny that you bring that up, because there’s this whole thing with 3D and directors, which is everybody goes like ‘I’m going to be classy. I’m not going to do stuff where I’m going to throw stuff in the audience’s face!’ I’m like, ‘Why would you not do that?!’ That’s the most fun thing you can do with 3D! We’re in 3D right now, I don’t have to watch a room and see depth in it. Especially with Ghostbusters. It was really like, ‘Let’s have fun with that.’

    That said, the 3D still isn’t necessary to enjoy the film. If you prefer not to 3D, you won’t feel like you’re missing out.


  4. theipc

    Does Leslie jones just scream the entire time? That drives me insane. She is the reason I don’t want to see this…


  5. Christopher

    Last night while watching the sequel I noticed something but it didn’t really become clear to me until I read your review. The sequel plays out like a lengthy series of missed opportunities, including its attempt at a darker tone, but I realized the biggest missed opportunity was Janine. She’s relegated to helping Louis Tully babysit and doesn’t get any great smartass lines like she had in the first film.
    And yet in the sequel she has a whole new look: new hairstyle, flashier clothes. And the way she comes onto Louis is much more aggressive than her subtle flirting with Egon.
    Her new look and attitude shows Janine has obviously been through some stuff between the first and second films. She deserved a backstory and a bigger role–she was the one who should have donned the jumpsuit and proton pack, not Louis.
    I’ve been looking forward to the reboot ever since I heard about it and now I want to see it even more now that I think of it as a chance to hit where the sequel missed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jay Post author

      That’s a good point about Janine. It kind of feels like maybe it was a meatier part on paper and then it got cut down on editing. She definitely is different in an unexplained sort of way…and never got the respect she deserved.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. joel watches movies

    preach it, jay! thanks for your words. I’ve been dumbfounded at the amount of hate this film has been getting… and before it was even out! most hated trailer on YouTube? seriously? it was literally like any other trailer for a comedy coming out in the last 10 years. And like you said, Hollywood makes remakes all the time.. feel slight reservation? fine. but outrage? come on. it’s not like the original was a masterpiece anyways.
    anyways, rant over, nice review and looking forward to seeing it!


  7. That Other Critic

    I’m really not interested in seeing another Ghostbusters. One was great, the second was, well, yeah…
    Then the franchise died a slow death ending with Extreme Ghostbusters. Film reboots really aren’t my style, unless it’s Batman, where you’re re-adapting a character from a different medium.
    Plus, Bill Murray + Harold Ramis is really more my style of comedy than Melissa McCarthy + Paul Feig.


  8. Jay Post author

    Director Paul Feig on Chris Hemsworth: “He’s so handsome and nice and talented, and on top of it, now he’s funny as hell and he can dance? There’s nothing the man can’t do, and it’s really upsetting.”


  9. Carrie Rubin

    “You’re sexist, magotty little misogynists and you’re too afraid to say it to my face because you know I’ll kick your ass.”—And this is why I love your reviews. Can’t wait to see the movie!


  10. kmSalvatore

    I’m going to have that music in my head all nite now Jay:). Of course my kids grew up with that movie. And. Lesley Jones.. Omg she’s a big woman .. I love seeing her on commercials, and saw her on a talk show recently, my God is she funny!!! If I had a kid I’d go see this, but .. No kids.. I’ll save the cash for another movie .


  11. Liz A.

    Do they just redo the original but with a female cast? Because I’m not interested in that. I liked Ghostbusters, so I wouldn’t mind a new Ghostbusting team. I’ve been ignoring the whole ruining-my-childhood thing online. Because, this doesn’t. But people get all upset about stupid stuff.


  12. ninvoid99

    I’m going to wait for it on TV. I’m not interested in seeing it in the theaters but I’m not upset about what they’re trying to do. It’s just a bunch of angry fanboys getting sand in their vaginas.


  13. Birgit

    So well said! If it was rebooted with 4 male cast members there would not be this much hate towards it. It’s stupid and I’m looking forward to seeing this film as I like the original


  14. ruth

    I don’t remember much about the first one though I think I enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun w/ this, it’s not perfect but still pretty good. Those who say the female-cast is ruining their childhood clearly have issues. I mean if a movie gets someone so up in arms then maybe they need to find more meaningful things in their lives.


  15. reocochran

    Ghostbusters was a great big fun roller coaster ride! 🙂
    I liked the new comediennes as mentioned they will be famous Now! I always like how Kristen Wiig can transform. Melissa does well but my favorite roles of hers are in St. Vincent and Spy.
    Of course, it was fun having Hemsworth to look handsome but dumb as a doorknob. What a hoot he was with the phone and his lens-free glasses! What a hunk, too bad he never grabbed Kristen’s character and kiss her. She may have fainted.
    I enjoyed all three (four?) cameos, but Sigourney Weaver made me crack up, remembering how wild and sexy she was in the first Ghostbusters. 🙂


    1. Jay Post author

      Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson, all surviving original Ghostbusters, appeared.
      As did Annie Potts and Sigourney Weaver.
      And I count Slimer and Stay-Puft as cameos too 😉


  16. jwforeva

    Wahoo, your enthusiasm never fails to amaze haha. And you’re absolutely right. Those claiming it ruins their childhood movie is just being a misogynist unless of course its got to do with the movie and not the cast. But most of the hate is the sexist kind. Preach it!

    I haven’t seen the ghonstbusters movies at all 😛 so this new one might be my first haha! But it seems funky! Great review Jay 🙂


  17. J.

    So, you quite liked this then? I’ll be honest, I wasn’t much interested – not cause I hate women and wasn’t keen on the all female cast, but I thought it just sounded a bit predictable in some ways. “Oh look, it’s all female and the guy is actually the add on” now. All very novelty value. The trailer looked pretty mnah also … However I found all the hate a wee bit over the top and most of what I’ve heard from folks who’ve seen it is positive. So that’s good.


    1. Jay Post author

      OH you’re perfectly allowed to not be interested.
      But it’s more than just a novelty, I think. Funny if you like Paul Feig’s stuff. Irreverent. Not totally fresh because it IS a reboot – these are new characters taking up the same profession under similar circumstances. The humour’s different than the first. Updated, but also a little less magical. The four men had such a great chemistry I think it’s impossible to recreate.


      1. J.

        I should have also added that it could have been four guys here and I would have had the same level of interest. Like a lot of folks I know, the original movie is such an important movie – untouchable because it was the first movie that left an impression. From seeing at as a funny ghosty film as a youngster to appreciating the humour, cast, and film making right through to being an adult.

        I know it’s been mentioned here that it’s not a masterpiece, but I think I’d disagree (respectfully, of course).

        Anyhoo, a fine review as always!


  18. thoughtsfromv

    I nearly died of boredom when I watched the first Ghostbusters, so when I was dragged along to see the reboot I was none too pleased. Much to my surprise, I loved it! Especially how they reversed the old dumb-but-pretty secretary trope with Chris Hemsworth. Nice review! 🙂


  19. Kristine @ MumRevised

    I am so excited to see this! We have been waiting for all of the family to be in one place at the same time. And, the shit with Leslie Jones is just unforgivable. BTW: I love the Kicks-Ass, Sucks-Ass by Asshole 😉


  20. Lloyd Marken

    Enjoyed your review Jay, don’t hold back, it had to be said. Unfortunately I’ve seen the film and am not a fan. Felt fairly underwhelmed but I’m glad you guys enjoyed it.


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  22. Wendell

    Your opening three paragraphs are just perfect. I had to deal with that same stupidity when I wrote an article in support of this movie before it even came out. Bravo!

    Finally went to see it the other day (and posted a review today, naturally). Didn’t enjoy it quite as much as you, but I did enjoy it. It’s a really fun movie. My biggest gripe is I wanted much more from McCarthy who might have played it too straight.


    1. Jay Post author

      Yeah, I think we haven’t quite hit on the perfect middle ground for McCarthy – although Spy did her proud. She’s a star for a reason.


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