Animated movies!


Well, it’s Thursday again. It’s not even 8 am yet and I’m at work when I’d much rather still be sleeping and I’ve already had to resolve one office IT issue and I don’t even work in IT. So I’m feeling a little uninspired this morning. Normally I strive for a little more variety in my picks and try to avoid the obvious choices whenever possible but I love these three films so much that I just can’t help but choose them.

Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo (2003)- When I was 18, my dad chased me down on a road trip for over an hour just because I’d forgot my Lactaid pills. Once we’d made the exchange and my dad drove away, my driver watched him leave and remarked “Now THAT’S a father”. I think of that comment every time I watch Finding Nemo and, since Father’s Day is just three days away, I might as well dedicate this entry to mine. I cry pretty much through this whole movie and am always filled with gratitude for my own family every time I watch this desperate father conquer his own fears of pretty much everything to take on the entire ocean in search of his son, prompting Nigel to remark “What a father!”


Wall-E (2008)- “Computer, define “dancing” made my list of 10 Movie Moments That Took My Breath Away. What I neglected to mention at the time was that this whole movie takes my breath away. Pixar has pushed the envelope so many times and in so many ways but Wall-E, I think, reamins their most ambitious work to date, trusting its audience to stay engaged through the first forty minutes or so where there is virtually no dialogue. Wall-E is entertaining from start to finish while managing to say a lot about how many of us treat our bodies and our planet, even more effectively than those annoying e-mails from Green Peace that I’m always getting.

Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)- Now let’s take a moment to be thankful for Wes Anderson. Anderson is clearly having fun with the stop-motion animation and the family movie format (“Clustercuss”!!!!). Like everything he does, Fantastic Mr. Fox is quirky, outrageous, hilarious, sweet, unmistakeably Anderson. It remains one of my favourites in the Wes canon. Besidies, this is the only film to date to feature the inspired collaboration of Wes Anderson and George Clooney.

29 thoughts on “Animated movies!

  1. mattasshole Post author

    Yes, i am very excited for Finding Dory actually. The turtle scene is one of the highlights for me too although, I have to say, I used to have two turtles of my own and they were the bane of my existence.


  2. Ally B. Jones

    ….dude you were like wwwoooohhhh…. finding nemo has so many moments in there…. I have never seen wall -e. Iron giant, UP….. toy story…


  3. Christopher

    I grew up loving Roald Dahl books but I was thrilled that Anderson didn’t remain faithful to the original Fantastic Mr. Fox, choosing instead to take the story in weirder and funnier directions. As I recall in an interview Jason Schwartzman said Anderson also had them act out their characters’ actions while recording the dialogue.

    I think Finding Nemo and Wall-E are brilliant, but I focus on Fantastic Mr. Fox here simply because I think it’s too often overlooked.


    1. mattasshole Post author

      It’s funny, I read roald Dahl growing up too but wasn’t really familiar with Mr. Fox until I saw the movie. I love your trivia about Anderson making them act their scenes out. I had never heard that before but, now that you mention it, I can’t say I’m surprised.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Brittani

    I haven’t seen Fantastic Mr. Fox, but I LOVE your other two so much! The “Define dancing” scenes is my favorite part of that entire movie. It’s so beautiful.


    1. mattasshole Post author

      I was amazed by it when I first saw it, couldn’t believe the movie’s ability to constantly top itself. If you like Wes Anderson movies, you should give Mr Fox a watch. Actually, even if not. Fellow Asshole Luc is not a fan but loves this movie.


  5. Wendell

    I love Finding Nemo. What a wonderful movie! And a wonderful Fathers Day flick, too. Fantastic Mr. Fox is all sorts of fun. Glad to see it get some love.


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