Marvel’s 10th Anniversary: A Yearbook

I feel a little bit dirty even saying this, but Marvel Studios has recently celebrated its 10 year anniversary, which began with Iron Man back in 2008 and culminated with Avengers: Infinity War only recently. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has comprised 19 films in the past decade, which has made it the highest-grossing film franchise, bar none.


For those of you who maybe got a little lost along the way:

Phase One – Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), and Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)

Phase Two – Iron Man 3 (2013), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Ant-Man (2015), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Phase Three – Captain America: Civil War (2016), Doctor Strange (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Black Panther (2018), Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Nineteen! Anyway, Marvel thinks 15 billion dollars is worth celebrating, so they’ve gathered all the actors responsible for our comic book fetish into this class picture, which you’ll need a magnifying glass in order to appreciate (luckily, with not one but TWO Sherlock Holmes among the cast [Robert Downey, Jr and Benedict Cumberbatch] those should be easy to get your hands on).


In order to do a little celebrating of our own, the 3 Assholes got together to vote on yearbook superlatives for our favourite super heroes.

Best Eyes:

besteyesHey, we all picked from the same movie!


Best Dressed:
 Class Clown:
Most Athletic:
I wondered who really had the edge here, so I took to Twitter to find out what popular opinion is. Out of 41 people surveyed, an overwhelming 76% agree with Matt. 12% side with Jay. Nobody sided with Sean, as usual. And the rest wrote in Black Widow, Spider-Man & Black Panther.
By unanimous decision, and likely unsurprisingly, we’ve got Groot!
Cutest Couple:
Most Ambitious:
We probably should just concede the point to Matt, as Thanos clearly wants to rule the entire universe – but Nebula wants Thanos, so isn’t that one better?
Teacher’s Pet:
Matt went with the ultimate brown-noser, Sean went with the know-it-all, and I went with the guy who seems like he’s still living in his parents’ basement, working on his 3rd PhD just to avoid the real world for another decade.
Best Smile:
Honestly Matt, if Googles Images is to be believed, Black Widow has NEVER smiled!
Best person to be stranded with on a desert island:
Sean says: “Because he’s a magician! He could get me anything i wanted!”
Biggest Gossip:
Most likely to be found in the library:
 Biggest Drama King/Queen:
Who’s the most fun at recess:
Most likely to have perfect attendance:
We all know Captain America’s a real goody two-shoes, but I think War Machine is just a little insecure, and he wants it more. Poor Rhodey.
Most likely to get the teacher off topic:


 Best bromance:
Worst driver:
Sean, I have a feeling  you’re being very literal with your pick. Too soon? Matt’s vote is actually for “the driver in the first scene in Iron Man that gets Tony captured.” And I went with Hulk because they don’t let people drive if they have seizures…surely whatever Bruce has is worse.
Most Likely to be catfished:
Biggest Flirt:
Most likely to be late to graduation:
I realize that his chronic lateness is part of Peter’s charm, but may I remind you that a) it takes time to look as good as Valkyrie does and b) she woke up hungover.
Most likely to star on a reality show:
Life of the party:
Ned & his party hat!
Biggest Nerd:
Most likely to own too many cats:
He just seems a little lonely to me.
Best Hair:
Really, guys?
Most changed since freshman year:
Talk about a glow-up!
I’m definitely into the haircut. Thanks, Taika!
I was feeling more inclined to remind us of this.
And finally, which character in the MCU would we personally most like to eat lunch with:
There’s little doubt you’ll find we go a lot wrong, so be sure to correct us in the comments!


26 thoughts on “Marvel’s 10th Anniversary: A Yearbook

  1. bookbeachbunny

    What a fun post! 🙂 My chronically unable to pick any one thing self thought you all three were pretty spot on. Good point on most ambitious. Thor and Cap look like they could be brothers in those senior year pics. But I think right now I’d probably want to have lunch with Shuri or Thor and Cap…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ninvoid99

    This is great. While I’m still recovering from the events in Infinity War. I’m just glad to be along for the ride. I was there when I went to see the first Iron Man film in the theaters and I was there on Sunday to see Infinity War. Here’s to 10 more years of the MCU.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Carrie Rubin

    Lots of fun reading through your choices. I’d have to go with Loki for the lunch date. I wouldn’t care what he said. I just like hearing him speak. Maybe Groot could join us, because he’s so cute, we’d get a free dessert.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Posts You Should Check Out Part 8 | vinnieh

  5. Christopher

    I guess it’s too late for me to run to Twitter and side with Sean, which I would do for two reasons: first, I found myself consistently agreeing with him, and, second, somebody should.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. J.

    This is great! I’m probably agreeing with Matt most of the time here. Certainly based on the MCU movies I’ve seen! Well, except for the change in Banner and Rhodey.


  7. mydangblog

    I am eternally grateful for this. After watching Infinity War and saying “Who’s that?!” over and over again, I determined to watch all the movies but had no idea where to start or in what order to watch them–now I do!!



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